Marathon Training

Bottle Cleaning - The Easy Way!

Easy Bottle Cleaning!

Do you ever get a funny taste in your water bottles?  Do they sometimes have a bit of a smell even though you washed them with dish soap or put them through the dishwasher?

Try This!


Step 1:  Add 1 teaspoon bleach and 1 teaspoon baking soda to your bottle.

Step 2:  Fill with water and leave overnight.

Step 3:  Next day, rinse thoroughly and air dry.

VOILA!  No more stinky bottles or strange taste!

4 Safety Tips for Women Runners

We would all like to live in a world where we are free to go out running and be safe, whether it’s during the day or at night, whether you’re in an isolated woodland, or a deserted beach, but as women in this day and age, here are some tips that we think all women runners should follow.

Women runner logo.png

4 Safety Tips for Women Runners

Run With A Personal Alarm

I know you love running on your own, hearing the sound of your feet beating the ground as you go.  Running with a buddy is the gold standard but if you do find yourself running alone, having a safety device could be the key to keeping yourself safe.  There are many on the market and some are designed to look like wrist watches that you slip on and they have velcro fasteners so fit all sizes.  Amazon have a wide selection.

So, next time you go for a run after work, especially as the nights draw in, make sure you are wearing one of these great little gadgets.

Running With Music

I don’t know about you but music is my beat and keeps my feet going at the right pace, and my body moving.  However, there are some situations when you should never run with your music - times you need all your senses to be fully alert.  Plugging in your headphones reduces your awareness of your surroundings so please bear these tips in mind.

  • Don’t use when running at night.  You can’t see as well and that’s when you need to be able to hear what is in front and behind you.
  • Any time dogs, cats or even attackers may be a threat - don’t put your headphones in.
  • If you’re running along a street that doesn’t have a sidewalk, you don’t always hear bikes or even other runners coming behind you.  Always run towards the traffic so you can see vehicles coming towards you.

Take A Self Defense Class

Learning self defense or at least some basic self defense moves will give you a chance to escape if attacked.  Learning how to fight back will give you confidence and a better chance of surviving an attack. 

Mix Up Your Routes

Have several different routes that you run but don’t always run the same way.  Not only is mixing up your route good for your muscles, a variety of scenery is good for the brain.  It also means that if someone is watching you, they don’t know which route you will take. 

However, if you have to run the same route, change up the time you run.  Suggest running sometimes in the morning and sometimes in the evening or on your lunch hour.  Changing up your regular time by 15 minutes can make a difference.

There’s also a good article in Shape that’s been written by a former secret service agent (!) that gives you some good advice - check it out.  

New Fitness Devices Coming Soon

Check Out These New Devices


Samsung’s new fitness smart band looks like it’s going to be able to support Spotify offline and also be water resistant up to 165 feet!  Wow that’s really going to help if you want to listen to your music and train in the water. 

Take a look at the review on the Verge and see whether this is going to be your new fitness gadget.

To go along with your new device you’re going to need some waterproof headphones so take a look at the reviews for the top ten headphones that will enable you to train and listen to your music whether you’re in the pool or the ocean.  Toptenreviews

TomTom is well known for their GPS tracking devices for your car but they are about to move into the world of fitness which will include GPS tracking.  The TomTom Spark 3 Fitness Tracker will help you “train with up to 500 songs and your heart rate on your wrist.”  Read this review on Vagabondish and decide whether this is the device for you.  

photo credit: martin.rechsteiner TomTom Spark Cardio + Music via photopin (license)

Post Long Run or Bike Smoothie

Smoothie Recipe

It's almost the weekend and for all of you weekend warriors, that means...LONG RUN or RIDE!  It also means that you need to pay particular attention to your post workout nutrition to help repair your muscles and properly prepare your body for your next workout.  

Here is one of my favorite smoothies to try :-)

Ingredients for Smoothie

(in no particular order)

  • 1 Cup Strawberries (fresh or frozen)
  • 1/4 Cup (2oz) 100% Juice
  • 3/4 Cup (6oz) Water
  • 1 Tsp Spirulina
  • 1 Tsp Ground Chia Seeds (or Ground Flax)
  • 3/4 Cup (6oz) Yogurt (Greek or Plain)
  • 1/2 Scoop (15g) Protein Powder (Plant or Animal)
  • 1/3 Banana (fresh or frozen)

Method:  Toss it all in a blender (preferably liquids first) and mix it up or about 30 to 60 seconds.

Quick Prepare Tip:  Mix all the ingredients except the frozen fruit in your blender cup and store it in the fridge.  When you get back from your workout, simply toss the fruit in, blend it and voila!  Yummy.