Payment Instructions
Invoices for Services
All registration fees must be paid in advance to secure your registration in a class or private session. There are limited spots available in group classes.
We currently accept the following payment options:
Online money transfer or bill payment to our KYD account with Butterfield Bank (Cayman) Limited ("BOB") – please select “Cayman Triathlon Coaching Ltd.” from the pull-down menu if you are registering us as a payee; or
Cash (KYD currency only - paid in advance).
We do NOT accept cheques.
If you are paying by online money transfer (either by internal transfer, if you have a BOB account, or by domestic transfer if you have an account with another bank), please note the following details:
Beneficiary Name: Cayman Triathlon Coaching Ltd. T/A Triformations
Beneficiary Account No.: 1361733200019
Late Payments
Unpaid invoices more than 30 days past date of invoice will be charged an initial late fee of CI$30.00 and an additional late fee of the same amount will accrue for each 30 day period thereafter until the invoice is paid in full. For example, an invoice due 62 days prior will incur an additional late fee of CI$60.00.
Store Items
Items purchased in our Triformatons Store at Sunset House must be paid for in Cash (KYD or USD currency) or by instant online money transfer. If paying by cash in USD currency, change can only be provided in KYD currency and no credit cards are accepted.
Items purchased in our Online Store must be paid for by PayPal (USD currency) or in Cash (KYD currency only) if being collected at our Store at Sunset House. If items are being delivered to you, payment must be made in advance.